Course aim
This online course aims to develop learners’ ability to access public services around their communities such as how to find and speak to their doctor, how to apply for child’s school and how to join their local library.
Do I need any particular skills or experience?
You will need your own personal email address so that you’re able to login to the WEA’s digital learning platform: WEA Canvas. You will need to be able to understand how to follow URL links to pages on the internet. If you want to understand more about Canvas please visit: http://bit.ly/WEAonline
This course is suitable for beginners and improvers
By the end of the course I should be able to:
1. Learn how to access local services in the community
2. Complete a simple form with personal information
3. Ask for and give information
4. Make an appointment with the doctor
5. Ask for help or advice
How will I be taught?
The WEA’s digital learning platform, Canvas will be used to provide resources or to support lessons, enable assessment, provide learner feedback and for other activities for individuals away from the course. If you want to understand more about our digital learning platform please visit: http://bit.ly/WEAonline
The WEA tutor will use a range of different teaching and learning methods and encourage you and the group to be actively involved in your learning
What kind of feedback can I expect?
You will be able to keep a digital portfolio of your work on WEA’s digital learning platform, Canvas.
Your tutor will provide written, text and audio feedback recorded in WEA Canvas, WEA’s digital learning platform.
A range of informal activities will be used by the tutor to see what you are learning which may include quizzes, question and answer, small projects and discussion
What else do I need to know?
What you need: You will need an internet connection, speakers, a microphone and a webcam so that you can use our video learning platform, Zoom. If you’d like to understand more Zoom please visit: http://bit.ly/ZoomSpec
Pre-course work, reading and information sources
You will have access to course resources and links to wider learning through the WEA’s digital learning platform, Canvas: http://bit.ly/WEAonline
To enrol for this course go to this link: