The Big Garden Birdwatch is organized each year and normally asks people to spend an hour recording the birds they see in their garden, local park or other space and then send their results to the RSPB. Ed from the Libraries and Culture team recommends borrowing books from your local library to help you identify the different species of bird that may appear. Books on the subject are available from Britwell Library and the Curve through the click & collect service. The citizen science taking place helps conservationists understand what birds are doing well and what species are in decline. This years event runs from the 29th – 31st January why not take part?
Please note that Cippenham and Langley libraries are now closed until further notice due to the escalating Covid-19 pandemic.
You can still use The Curve and Britwell Library for our Click and Collect and returns service only. For Click and Collect go to this link: https://slough.spydus.co.uk/.../spydus.exe/MSGTRN/WPAC/HOME

Read magazines on RB Digital by clicking on the link: https://slough.rbdigitalglobal.com/ Just press register and create an account to read the magazine for free.
For PressReader click on this link: https://www.pressreader.com/catalog If you're not a member of Slough Libraries join by clicking on this link and completing an online registration form: https://slough.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/MSGTRN/WPAC/JOIN You'll be issued a temp number which you can use to access all E-resources.
Remember to adhere to government guidelines in terms of Covid-19.
If you choose to take part in The Big Garden Birdwatch the safest place to take part is through your window at home or from your garden.
