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Slough in Bloom is back!


This year’s Slough in Bloom competition has launched! Entries close on 3 July with judging taking place from 12 July, anyone can enter and there are 11 different categories to choose from:

  • Residential front garden

  • Residential hanging baskets, window boxes and containers (front of property)

  • Community project

  • Business/ commercial/hospital

  • Student project

  • Public house/restaurant/hotel

  • Sponsored roundabouts and roadside planting

  • Best allotment plot

  • Best allotment newcomer

And for Slough Borough Council tenants:

  • Front garden including hanging baskets

  • Communal garden.

Bruce Hicks, parks and open space officer, said: “We have been working with Slough in Bloom for 28 years, and are proud to support them again this year and can’t wait to see your gardens, allotments, and hanging baskets entries brightening up our town. As well as making your own entries we would encourage you to think about any communal areas or garden and allotment projects you want to nominate. “This competition was cancelled last year because of Covid and this is a chance for everyone to show what great community spirit we have here in Slough, how proud our residents are to live here, and what pride they take in their local areas.” Margaret Inniss, Chairman of Slough in Bloom, said: "I want to encourage everyone who has a garden or tubs and hanging baskets on their premises to enter the competition and let us recognise your contribution to brightening up our town. In addition to the splash of colour you add to the townscape, you will also be providing vital corridors for insects and other wildlife. We look forward to receiving a bumper crop of entries this year, from established and new gardeners alike.” Entry forms are now available in libraries and community hubs and from all allotment sites. Forms are also available via email: or phone 01753 595838. The downloadable form is also available here. Entries close on 3 July with judging taking place from 12 July. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in August.

Slough Libraries are open for browsing!

Mon-Fri 10am-4pm and Saturday 10am-2pm

Please keep checking our website fpr up-to-date information on opening times.



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