This year the Summer Reading Challenge features the Silly Squad! They enjoy having a laugh and showing off their smiles whilst reading funny, silly books! The Silly Squad have teamed up with Slough Healthy Smiles and Health & Wellbeing Slough to encourage the children of Slough to take extra special care of their teeth. They want to remind children to brush their teeth twice a day, to visit their dentist regularly and not to snack on sugary food and drink.
Saturday 11th July Special Oral Health Curve Club!

Enjoy online activities every week with our Curve Club.
Keep the kids entertained every Saturday as we bring the club to the virtual world. We will release at least three activities at 11.30am, 12pm and 12.30pm, including crafts and other activities.
Look out for additional guest activities every month from our partners:
LEARN with family learning activities from East Berkshire Community Learning and Skills service (first Saturday of the month)
EXPLORE local history with Slough Museum (last Saturday)
Find it all on @SloughLibraries Facebook every week!
An Important Message from Slough Healthy Smiles
Oral Health Slough Healthy Smiles are working with Health and Wellbeing Slough to deliver some online information sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout July and August. If you would like to attend an online session, Slough Healthy Smiles would love to hear from you.
Please email Oral.Health@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk Upon receipt of your email we will inform you how to access the session. Spaces for the online sessions are limited so early booking is recommended.
Please note: Training is delivered via Microsoft teams, by participating you agree that your email will be displayed during the training session. For other health services and health information ie on stop smoking, keeping active, please see https://www.publichealthslough.co.
Recommended Reads
The Silly Squad are really excited to see the books Slough Healthy Smiles have chosen as recommended reads for parents and children. Some are available in Slough Libraries and through SELMS( South East Library Management System). The silly Squad crew absolutely loved reading them and having a laugh and joke at the same time showing off their gleaming smiles!

Early Years Books
We’re going to the Dentist by Marion Cocklico ISBN: 1529004021
Nancy and Teddy go for a dental check-up. This novelty book with a sweet story has fun flaps to lift and mechanisms to move, as well as practical tips for parents and carers on each page.

Peppa Pig Dentist Trip by Peppa Pig ISBN: 1409301931
Peppa, George and Mr Dinosaur are going to the dentist. It's George's first visit and he's a teeny bit nervous. Find out how their trip goes in this lovely adventure.

Brush, Brush, Brush by Alicia Padron ISBN: 0531252369
It's never too early to start healthy habits. This rhyme will inspire little ones to brush their teeth.
Key Stage 1

Terrific Toothbrush by James Brammer ISBN: 0993243271
The story of a little boy who hated to clean his teeth until something magical started to happen with his toothbrush

Tooth Fairy by Audrey Wood ISBN: 0859532938
When Matthew loses a tooth, Jessica decides to make the Tooth Fairy's visit doubly worthwhile. Fantastic for encouraging children to keep their teeth clean enough to warrant a place in the 'hall of perfect teeth'.

Why should I brush my teeth? By Katie Daynes ISBN: 1474968935
Why don't animals have toothbrushes? And why do baby teeth fall out? Should everyone brush their teeth? Curious young children can discover the answers to these questions and many more in this entertaining book, with over 30 flaps to lift, gentle humour and easy-to-understand text on every page.

Open Wide What’s Inside? By Alex Rushworth ISBN: 0957439900
Dentist Alex Rushworth reveals the revolting truth that will have children everywhere running for their toothbrush. This humorous, rhyming story of the Sugarbugs and their horrible habits helps children - and their parents! - understand what happens to their food to make their breath smell and their teeth need brushing.
HAPPY BRUSHING KIDS and remember to join the Digital Summer Reading Challenge online: https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/