The Silly Squad is a team of animal friends who love to go on adventures and get stuck in to all different kinds of funny books.
You can sign up to the online Summer Reading Challenge here.
For help signing up, go to the Slough Libraries Facebook page to see our 'Join the Silly Squad ONLINE!' video tutorial, as well as loads of other super Silly Squad related content.
You can download our e-books for free and use these for your challenge. If you have never borrowed an E-Book from Slough libraries then visit our website by going on this link to learn how to use Borrowbox: https://www.slough.gov.uk/libraries/learn-how-to-access-ebooks.aspx

The Silly squad enjoy getting stuck into any kind of books, but on their hunt for reading ideas they stumbled upon e-magazines available through Slough Libraries. These can't be included in the Summer Reading Challenge however the Silly Squad enjoy reading them for pleasure.
These are available through RB Digital and PressReader. Here's the link:

Remember when you join the Summer Reading Challenge, it's up to you how many books you set as your goal. We reccommend at least 6.
The Silly Squad online platform will help you keep track of your books, reviews and the rewards you unlock along the way so make sure you remember to update your reading record online when you finish a book!
Illustrations © Laura Ellen Anderson 2020
The Reading Agency
Please supervise your child’s use of the internet and encourage plenty of breaks away from the screen