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Resources Round Up 11th July - Featuring the Summer Reading Challenge Ambassadors


Summer Reading Challenge 
School Zone and Home Zone
Two new ‘zones’ on the Summer Reading Challenge website are aimed at teachers and parents/carers. The School Zone and Home Zone will host information about the Summer Reading Challenge and a selection of Silly Squad resources, as well as blogs and news articles. They will be updated regularly through the summer.

Summer Reading Challenge at Slough Libraries
Keep an eye out for our brochure filled with our planned events happening across the Summer. Here are a few highlights! Lots of exciting competitions planned on the Summer Reading Challenge theme for this year which is Silly Squad. 

Wonderful words Workshop
Join us on online creative writing workshop SRC Kate Poels on the 3rd August 2-3pm. Book via 

Playful poetry with Coral Rumble Part 1
22nd August 11.30-12.30pm
Join award winning poet in this zoom workshop with plenty of tips to inspire your own creations. Age 6+. Parent/Carer must be present. 

Playful poetry with Coral Rumble Part 2
28th August 11.30-12.30pm
We join Coral Rumble again after completing some poems ourselves from the last session and share them with others. Age 6+. Parent/Carer must be present.
To book go to 

Fiona Barker Discussing Picture Books
Fri 17 July 3pm

We can now announce booking is open forFiona Barker Author’s wonderful event discussing picture books for adults! It’s on Fri to 17 July 3pm And it’s FREE!‬

Miss Violet Lake is also a Summer Reading Challenge Ambassador. Miss Lake has produced several volumes of poetry and drama workshops both in Slough, and as far afield as Cape Town. We look forward to working with Miss Lake!

And finally......something different!

British Library

Discovering Children's Books printable activity pack from the British Library. Includes cut-out-and-keep masks, fairy tale mashups, foldable boats, comic strips and imaginary maps and aimed at children without access to screens.

Please supervise your child’s use of the internet and encourage plenty of breaks away from the screen



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