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Resouces Round Up: 19th July- Language Learning for Kids!

If you’re trying to keep the children motivated, how about learning a new language? Here is a list of resources designed for just that!

Transparent Language

Transparent language is a language resource that is available to all Slough Library users free of charge. It is available online as well as on the app and has many great features for learning on the go. Simple and easy to use it is a great resource.

It offers over 110 languages, including regional dialects and English as a second language materials. Transparent Language has a variety of lessons in four different types: listening, speaking, reading, and typing. Kidspeak is a suite available for young learners interested in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn a new language, the path forward is clear. Try Transparent Language today!

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The following Learning Resources are not affiliated with Slough Libraries.


Duolingo is a smartphone app designed to make learning a new language fun. It’s used by students and adults alike, although I would recommend using it alongside existing language learning.

Languages Online

Despite it’s simplistic and slightly dated design, Languages Online contains some of the best vocabulary lessons, quizzes and crosswords.


By using a carefully formulated memory technique, Memrise makes it easier for students to remember words from modern foreign languages they are currently learning.

Teach it languages

If your looking for resources to teach languages this is a great site packed with content to help you teach children at Key stage 3-5.

Images courtesy of Transparent Language

Please supervise your child’s use of the internet and encourage plenty of breaks away from the screen

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